How To Pray More Effectively 
Bryan W Melvin

Hello, as you know, on radio and in churches where I speak, many have asked to be able to have the prayers, so they can use and modify these on their own as they have been a great help in their time of need, but before I post these let me give you some pointers:

2Co 10:4-5 tells we have weapons of our warfare and I list 6 basic weapons as follows

1- The Word of God – as Light Ps 119:105  

Not only read the bible but dig into it. Use bible study software and programs to find out what key words used in scriptures mean in the original languages. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you from the bible. Always adhere to the bible. It is a light and our daily bread. By it, we learn to discern truth from error and stay away from spiritual deception. By digging into the word of God, it will transform you. Jesus used the word to rebuke the devil with and we can too!

2- Pray always

Prayer life is going before God and talking to him as you would a close friend. Be found praying more and less time watching TV and spending on ruminating thoughts. Often, I mention to people pray through the Book of Psalms as you read, and when, a Psalms strikes your need, pray through those verses as a template to help guide your prayers.  

3 – Apply the Power of the blood by faith

Spiritually apply the Blood of Jesus by faith as blood was applied in the bible – to atone, forgive, cleanse, provide redemption, find peace, protection. We live in a fallen world. We get wounded and dirty and in need of cleansing just as 1 John 1:9 says. So, by faith apply the blood of Jesus to forgive when it is difficult too and repent from sins confessed, for protection, etc.

In this, ask for you heart and eyes and ears be cleansed and that the Holy Spirit of God search you and reveal to you anything hindering you or blinding you or hidden sin and then apply the blood of Jesus by faith to it when it is revealed (Maybe soon or may come later to you in various ways). If nothing comes, press on to number 4.

4 - Apply Resurrection power by faith 

Resurrection Power is often forgotten while praying. Don’t forget this weapon. By faith apply the Resurrection power to heal the wound in the heart and soul caused by sins, generational sins, wounds from people who trespass against you. To raise you up out of the ash heap afflicting you or others into new life of Christ Jesus. This breaks the power of having anything in common with our spiritual foes use to accuse us and thus gain access to ship wreak life, Apply Resurrection power by faith.

The word translated as power in this context is Dunamis. Thayer’s NT Dictionary definition on dunamis/power/might gives great bullet point definitions what dunamis means as: "The Power to perform miracles – and moral power (virtue, courage) and excellence (as in sober minded, balanced, character) of soul and more."  

Note: 2 Peter 1:3-12, Eph 1:19-21, Eph 3:16,20, 2 Tim 1:7, and 1 Co 4:20 - power

5 - Next, by faith Raise the cross of Christ to break the demonic/expose it - Col 2:15

Often, there is a need to remind the foe just who is in charge and what Jesus did on the cross, so they back off and stop afflicting you, etc.

6 - Don't forget - The name of Jesus – in the context of Php 2:10-11 

Jesus our deliver, healer, Lord, and Savior, at his name, all knees bow…

These are at least 6 of the basic weapons of our warfare we can apply. Next, let’s learn activate these principles in the prayer templates listed below. Feel free to change and modify however you are led to do so:

Prayer One Template:

Heavenly Father I ask for your Holy Spirit to search out and diligently to unveil and reveal and explore and examine everything hindering me. Search out the deep things of God’s divine counsel and reveal things hidden beyond my human scrutiny that wounded me and caused me to open windows, doors, cracks in my heart and soul.

So that I can know your great, immeasurable, unlimited, and surpassing authority of your Resurrection power that is already in all who believe. So, I ask in Jesus name to stretch forth your hand from your throne and demonstrate the working of your mighty strength through the same Spirt that raised Jesus from the dead to set me (others) here free as your word says. Heal the broken heart, set captives free, prisoners free…  

Therefore, forgive me Lord Jesus for not filling up on your word and not spending time with you in prayer. Holy Spirit teach me the bible, open my eyes and understanding as I read what I read. Holy Spirit teach me to pray – talk to you and direct my prayers according to your will and not mine. You are not a genie in a lamp – you are Lord God Almighty! I bend my knees to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Search me – Lord and reveal what is hindering my healing, my walk with you, causing me to agree with the whisperers, the devil and his minions. Release me from what is stopping freedom in my life - in my family, my town, people, causing so much hurt in life, reveal these to me.

(Stop for a moment – think of the wound revealed to you such as - repeating sins, people sinned against you, bitterness, molested, self-hate, rejection, abuse, doormat… whatever it is Now continue on with the issue revealed in mind…) 

Lord Jesus, I left my house empty and open. Forgive me – wash me clean … Cleanse me by the power of blood of Jesus of bitterness, resentment, hurt, every widow opened… 

By Power or Blood of Jesus shed on the cross, release me from my sins, the sins of the generations, and all soul ties that wounded me, control me without me knowing it all the way back to Adam…through my bloodline.

Forgive me of being unforgiving – teach me how to love – I am afraid of love – was betrayed – abused, neglected, abandoned, rejected, mocked, told I would never amount to anything, made to perform for approval and these broke my heart and opened my soul to let the enemy in to control my life, steel my possessions, finances, health from me. 

Cleanse me so I can feel your love in my heart that I am so afraid of. I afraid of being rejected, defiled, again – forgive me cleanse me form the memories. 

(Pause, think on these ask the Holy Spirit search this out more and reveal more to you)

Wash me in the blood of Jesus and cleanse me (list what is revealed to you) – in Jesus name 

(Pause – add here what is being revealed and comes to mind then apply the weapon of the Resurrection power of God… to heal the heart/soul and strengthen us with moral power to start living right - not talking trash about self or others anymore, etc and etc)

Now I ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit power – that Resurrection Power, that miraculous power, to grant me to know how to do right and avoid doing wrong, stop talking and believing trash, stop seeking attention, stop self-destruction, and stop wearing lies whispered to me.

By Faith I ask for the Resurrection power already in me by the New Birth to rise up in me and fall on me to heal my broken heart from having anything in common with the devil, now in Jesus name. Bring peace to my soul. I need your empowerment form on high!

By your Resurrection Power that raised Jesus from the dead that already dwells in me by the New Birth, make my soul excellent, sound, whole so I no longer have any window, crack, door in my soul open for the devil to come on in. Make my entire soul sound - at peace in you and with you, Lord Jesus.

Holy Spirit help me daily, to cleanse my house/temple (note-we are the temple as bible says), remind me to keep your word in my heart, and seek to know you more every day. I am honestly afraid to be free because I do not know no other way to live. So, I ask by your Resurrection power, Heal me of this, by your love and mercy, flood into me now. 

By your power, Holy Spirit power, raise me up out of this ash heap I have been living – heal my broken soul and mend my broken heart… 

Your blood washes and forgives me of all my failures to be a better reflection of you on earth – wash me.... By your resurrection power raise me up … Make my soul sound, whole, sober minded, grounded totally in you and empowered to know right from worn and the courage to be transformed in who you designed me to be.

By faith, I raise the cross of Christ and remind all demonic host afflicting me to look at the cross of Jesus Christ who triumphed over you all and broke you power. Look at it and in the name of Jesus, you are exposed and defeated by the power of cross, so leave me NOW! In Jesus name.

Lord, Fill me up – fill me up, fill me up, with your Holy Spirit resurrection power… heal my soul, my body in Jesus of name…

I thank you Lord for all you done for yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory in Jesus name, amen. 

Payer 2 - Templates against leading the Host of darkness

Heavenly Father, I come before your throne of Grace now and I stand by faith in your heavenly council room as your born-again child born and bought by the blood of Jesus on the cross and sealed forever yours.

By this, I have need to break whatever is in me that is in common with the enemy of my soul from the family line, (or sin, illness) as it is following me – threatening me with fear and illnesses and strange things – trying to push me back into the ways that are dark and no good. 

So, I ask, the Holy Spirit to search me and find whatever it is that in me that has opened the door to the enemy and lowered your hedge of protection over me, my family…

Holy Spirit search out the deep things and hidden counsel of God and reveal what I am blind too because I can’t figure it out – reveal what it is - to me – so it I know what to do about it - in Jesus name…

"Now stop and pause – let the Lord revel to you where you were wounded, or opened the door, angry at anyone. Unforgiveness. Shame. Guilt – all this causes wounds in life that opens the door to the devil to use, so he has something in common with you to attack you – we get wounds when people sin against us. Wounded by our own secret sins. Or by Trauma that wounds and open the doors. Generational sins and folks who want to get you back in the box so to speak.  

So that – unforgiveness – bitterness at the mention of someone rises up one gets bitter about the person. Or if impure thoughts, or sorcery, strife, disputes, anger, strife, envy, addictions, abuse…cause dee wounds that need to shut down so that any chattering thoughts in your mind to self-inflict yourself with … feel there is no use to continue.., no hope what’s the use. it works for them not me always let down – and any other thigs maybe revealed to you just wait and ask to the Lord to search it out and reveal to you the wound that opened the door – it needs shut by applying the blood of Jesus and Resurrection power - Continue praying"

Heavenly Father, by faith, I ask that the blood of Jesus, shed upon the cross, that disarmed all the rulers and authorities of darkness, that made a public display of them, that triumphed over them all, to cleanse me and forgive me, and release me from all things I have in common with all spirits attacking my soul. 

Forgive all my transgressions, break all generational curses, hexes, vexes, sins by the blood of Jesus. Cleanse me and make me whole, forgive me…

Lord God Almighty, I have need to be forgiven by the blood of Jesus shed upon the cross to be cleansed and released from tolerating all Jezebel and legion spirits and all generational spirits and entraining them in my thought life, in my fears, by my loss of backbone, by my loss of having any moral compass and courage that I feel but rarely say to anyone.

I ask, Heavenly Father, that you decree your word to restrain all the Jezebel spirits, Legion spirits, and storms of life spirits, generational spirits from afflicting me, as it is written, we are to be your light and salt on this earth. I was created to be your helper - how can I help when I am so afflicted and wounded?

If they extinguish this, then your will, my sanctification, cannot be carried out and I cannot become your effective helper either here where I live. These are preventing your kingdom from coming and shining thru me on earth as it does in heaven and all distracting me and stopping me.

So, I ask that you Heavenly Father, decree to the Jezebel, legion, generational, and Storm influences and attacks be stopped in my life and reveal to me the deep things of your council beyond my scrutiny that I cannot see causing me to agree with these and how to fully stop this in my life – NOW!  

Lord, I repent of these (say them) and show me how to turn away daily from their influences.

Heavenly Father I ask that you decree to all head spirits attacking me to stop and be restrained - so your will and call be fulfilled in my life. Only you can do this.

Thank you for granting us, as your children purchased by the blood of Jesus to speak to these head spirits - like Michael the archangel did when contending the devil over Moses body – because by the blood of Jesus I have nothing in common with them now!

The Lord Jesus rebukes (restrains) you … The Father Rebukes (restrains) you… 
 Holy Spirit rebukes (restrains) you… God Almighty Rebukes (restrains) you....

Thank you Lord God Almighty for restraining these head spirits and stopping their influence in my life because by the blood of Jesus I am forgiven and have nothing in common with them any-more. In Jesus name.

So Now, I ask by the same Holy Spirit power, your power, that raised Jesus from the dead that dwells in me to raise me up -- heal my soul and heart from all wounds inflicted that shattered my heart that opened doors, windows, of my soul to all demonic influences to be healed and closed – NOW!!! NOW!!! NOW!!!

I ask that you Resurrection Power – the mighty Dunamis power of God that is all ready in me now - rise up and heal my heart and soul of all wounds and afflictions and sicknesses afflicting me freeing me from all demonic legion assignments in Jesus name

 – Legion leave me now in Jesus name (say x 3 times) - 

Lord Jesus by your resurrection miraculous healing power make my heart and soul Excellent, whole sound, sober minded – no more chatter – sickness go…in Jesus name

Lord Jesus, fill me with your moral power-courage so I can carry out thy will on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus name… and stand up to these spirits as they have been defeated by the power of the cross – leave Now – now, now in Jesus name! 

Prayer Three – Breaking Jezebel curses

Heavenly Father, I come before your throne of Grace and I stand by faith in your heavenly council as your child born again and bought by the blood of Jesus on the cross and sealed forever yours.

I have need to be forgiven by the blood of Jesus shed upon the cross to be cleansed and released from tolerating all Jezebel spirits and entraining them in my thought life, in my fears, by my loss of backbone, by my loss of a moral compass and courage.

I ask that you decree your word to restrain all the Jezebel spirits from afflicting me, as it is written, we are to be your light and salt on this earth. If they extinguish this, then this cannot be carried out and your will - will not be done in my life and prevents your kingdom from coming and shining thru me on earth as it does in heaven. 

I ask for the Jezebel influence and attacks be stopped in my life and reveal to me the deep things of your council beyond my scrutiny that I cannot see causing me to agree with it and how to fully stop this in my life – now!

Heavenly Father decree to the Jezebel spirits attacking me to stop so you will, and call be fulfilled in my life. 

Thank you for these words to speak to these spirits 

– Lord Jesus rebukes / restrains you … (say several times)

I ask by the same Holy Spirit power, your power, that raise Jesus from the dead that dwells in me to raise me up -- heal my soul and heart from all wounds inflicted that shattered my heart that opened doors, window, of my soul to all demonic influences to be healed and closed. In Jesus' name...

...Excellence/quality of soul and moral power-courage be in me now so I can carry out thy will on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus name…  

Prayer Four - Further Prayer Templates against a jezebel influence or head principalities

Heavenly Father, I come boldly by faith to your throne of grace to find help in time of need. I am in need to be free from being under the influence a jezebel spirit in operation in my family, in my life. I feel beaten, discouraged, defeated, I want to crawl under a rock and never come out. 

I feel like I am not valued. Bad thoughts surround me to control me. I drink from the waters fed me and always conjure up the worst of thoughts. There are things that are like blood sucking insects always sucking the life out of me - forcing me to submit and crawl back to abuse of those controlled by a Jezebel spirit. 

I stand before your throne of grace and understand that the Head leader of all Jezebel spirits has his role to play in the end times. I will not bring a reviling accusation against him, but I ask you to speak and tell it to grant me, my family, my community a reprieve for I am a child of God and belong to you – alone – not that controlling spirit. It is obstructing me, hindering me, causing me to want to give up so I ask that you rebuke this head evil spirit for I cannot. 

Forgive me, in my past, if I have wrongly come against this spirit, for this battle has overwhelmed me – forgive me by the blood of Jesus shed on that cross. Grant me permission to say what needs to be said... (pause for a minute) 

The Heavenly Father rebukes/restrains you – The Lord Jesus rebukes/restrains you – The Holy Spirit Rebukes/restrains you… (charges, admonishes, decree the penalty) Thank you Lord for doing this for thine is the kingdom, power and glory amen!

Now Lord Jesus, I ask that you to search me and show me what it is that I have in common that attracts the influence of the lower order jezebel (or devil’s) minions to target me and attack me. Reveal to me the deep things of God’s counsel - what I cannot see and reveal these to me, so they can be dealt with

I ask you Lord by the power of the Blood of Jesus to be cleansed form entraining and agreeing with all Jezebel (devil’s) minions. I am a child of God, I am yours, not theirs. Cleanse my heart and soul from agreeing with hurt, bitterness, help me forgive those who trespassed against me – they know not what they were doing – they were taken captive to do the enemy’s will.

 I release them to you to take care of by your will, not me. Wash me clean by the Blood of Jesus to be free from control and heal my soul by your resurrection power that is already in me by the New Birth for I have the Holy Spirit power in me.

Stir it up. Heal my broken soul and heart with your resurrection power into new life. Make my soul and heart excellent, whole sound, healed of all wounds and traumas and sins in my heart and soul, so I have nothing in common with the enemy – to accuse me of and wreak havoc in my life – Heal my soul with you resurrection power – dunamis power – grant me dunimis moral power to fight this battle and wage war successfully… I need your strength to overcome – pour it on me – pour it on me pour it on me - in Jesus name, amen  

Prayer Five

Prayer templates you can use for yourself and modify and add too it or edit as applies to you. In the meantime, try praying this and modifying as you are inspired for as long as you need. I mention some names that demonic spirits go by in this prayer as these are the most common that send the attacks so if you don’t understand, I can send links to radio shows I have done as guest that deal with this topic…. 

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the blood of Christ shed for me. By faith I asked to be cleansed of the pride of doing things in my own strength, being so righteous, and wisdom. By the power of the blood heal my soul of opening the doors to the snake in the tree.

Forgive me of justifying pornography, booze and drugging, abusing, being bitter, gossip I ask you to show me what door I left open show me wash my eyes and ears and heart with the blood of Jesus, so I can hear… and see where I been wounded and let pride

(Pause and think about what is) 

I ask that the blood of Jesus forgive me and release me of this shame and pain I carry that causes my pride…

Thank You Lord Jesus for sending the same Sprit that raised you from the dead to dwell in me. As it is written in:

Eph 1:19-21, “..and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.” NKJV

I have your Resurrection power in me and I ask for it to be stirred up in me

That power heals my broken heart, my soul, by your miraculous power that makes me know right from wrong – have a moral compass – moral virtue and makes my soul excellent, sound, whole and not open to the pride of the snake in the tree – heal my soul by Rez power.

I raise the cross to remind the devil, Jesus intercedes for me and healed me now, he defeated all your works and grants be authority to be free from you. Look at the cross, your ways exposed…

Leaven me now – in Jesus name

Prayer 6:

Lord Jesus, I come before you now and I use the weapon of repentance, so by an act of my will I choose to forgive those who hurt me, rejected me, had me bound. I release them to you. Help me to repent, turn away from being governed by rejection, forgive me by the power of the blood of Jesus of being governed by rejection and wearing band aids of works and ruminating thoughts that are ruining my life and blocking you away from freeing me. 

Wash me in the blood of Jesus so I can find peace and wholeness in my soul and heart. Cleanse me by the shed blood of Jesus to learn to turn away from living in bondage – I repent for being governed by rejection all hurts form my family, past – help me to keep running to you alone by climbing on your lap and ask you to hold me dear Jesus, I am a mess, forgive me and forgive my unforgiveness toward you and others. 

Cleanse me and make me whole – in Jesus name 

Heavenly Father, I thank you for making me born again and shedding the Holy Spirit within me, so I can now share in the resurrection power to raise me to new life in you and all you have for me. I need to be resurrected from my tombs I live in into new life.  

I ask for your power that raised Jesus from the dead that dwells in me to heal my shattered heart – 

(((Pause think of when and how and whom and what shattered your heart after this keep this in mind – lets continue))) 

Lord Jesus, 

My heart is broken, grant me moral power granted by you by your resurrection power already in me to be free from and walk away from rejection and all its band aids the rest of my days. 

Create in me a new Heart oh God and renew your steadfast Spirit in me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me by your generous Spirit. Heal my heart – make my heart excellent – sound. 

By your resurrection power… Make my soul-heart excellent, whole, sound, devoted to follow you the rest of my days so I can, as you will, so I will teach transgressors Your ways to be free, so others will be converted to You and find their freedom from rejection. In Jesus name… amen 

Now, let me pray over you all and close: 

By the power of the cross of Jesus Christ, I raise it by faith, and remind every tormenting spirit here to bow its knees to worship Jesus, every rejection and band aid, bow your knees to the Lord Jesus Christ who made a public spectacle of you and defeated you on that cross – look at that cross, I know you remember it. 

Every person who prayed this prayer has been cleansed and forgiven by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ and released of their shame and cleansed so that – we – all have nothing in common with you – rejection – fear – sin – silence and shut up in the name of Jesus. 

Bow your knee to the cross of Jesus Christ and leave these people alone who have resurrection power healing their hearts, that is setting them free from being led astray by you all – bow your knees in Jesus name and leave these people NOW – Not my power but by the authority of Jesus Christ - Leave - GO 

In the name of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh and unbinds all your works – bug off them right now and never return to them again – in Jesus name. 

Prayer 7

Heavenly Father, thank you for who you are. You loved us so much so as not to abandon us alone, lost in fear and bondage. Your desire for us is to be free to be your light to the world. You alone are God and Lord of all. Might God and only Savior!

So, by faith I come to you ask that the blood of Jesus forgive me for agreeing with fear of man, telling that I am a doormat, failure, worthless. Or that I need to be the super star, be like a control freak, for agreeing all proud, boasting. – forgive me by the power of the blood of Jesus shed for me for walking away from you – I see your look – come back – cleanse me of the shame, and all the fears I feel. 

Now, I ask by faith that the blood of Jesus cleanse my heart and soul and body and purify and heal the wounds that control me, so I live by fear, hiding under the threshing floor, giving up on you Lord, believing lies, mind reading other’s thoughts when I can’t and falling prey to the fear of man. 

Let the Blood of Jesus cover me and bring peace to my soul, so I can hold fast to your word, promises, and you the rest of my days so I no longer live by fear and fear of man. In Jesus name…

Pause we are next going to next step resurrection. We are not done yet, resurrection power – Think on this from Romans chapter ten: Believe God raised him from dead and you shall be saved... Continue…

Heavenly, father, I thank you for your resurrection power – dunimas power – that raised Jesus up from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in me - as your born-again child. 

I ask for the stirring up in me of that rez power inside me to heal by heart, soul, and body - raise me up out of my ash heap of fears. 

Your Resurrection Power is your power that grants me strength-ability work alongside you for performing miracles and I need miracles in my soul / heart to stop me from leaving myself open to the devil through fear

Stir up your Resurrection Power in me that gives me moral power of courage-moxie, and your moral compass to know right and wrong discerned rightly - so I am no longer held captive to intimidation and fear. 

Heal my heart, soul, body with your Resurrection Power that makes my soul excellent, healed, sound, whole granting back to me what was stolen from me – being a human being created to reflect your light- character to live out for all to see you character of grace, joy, mercy, soundness, doing right your way and not mine. 

This how I find my purpose in life, so I find favor to prosper to endure all things lifted far above all the Viper’s snares.

In Jesus name, by faith I raise the cross of Jesus over my life, family, town home, and remind the devils to look at it, your fear is exposed, your plans exposed, Jesus defeated you by that cross look at it - in Jesus name - look at it and – bug off my life now in Jesus name…Amen!

Prayer 8 - In time of need modified prayer:

Heavenly Father, I come before your throne of Grace and stand by faith in your heavenly council room as your born-again child born and bought by the blood of Jesus on the cross and sealed forever yours.

I am in need and in pain and affliction assails me. I try and feel discouraged. I feel all alone and forgotten. At times I feel like I need to please everybody, and I know I can’t. I feel a battle of doubt and chatter in my mind – back and forth I go. I feel like I am to blame even when no one is around to blame me. I run boldly to your throne of grace, in Jesus name.

By this, I have need to break whatever is in me that is in common with the enemy of my soul from my family line as it is following me – threatening me with fear and illnesses and strange things – trying to push me back into the ways that are dark and no good. 

Accidents and illness hit me in odd ways all through my family and my life. So do these thoughts of endless chatter. And memories that come to mind.

So, I ask, the Holy Spirit to search this out for me and find whatever it is that I have in common that has opened the door to the enemy and lowered your hedge of protection over me, my family… (place your own words here) 

Holy Spirit search out the deep things and hidden counsel of God and reveal what I am blind too because I can’t figure it out – reveal what it is - to me – so it I know what to do about it - in Jesus name…I trust you to show me… Amen…

(((Now stop and pause – between this section of prayer and be still and see if anything at all is revealed – here you are letting the Lord revel to you where you were wounded in life…where any trauma committed by others, accidents, or even self-afflicted came in at. If nothing comes to mind right way – it may in the next few days – so continues the prayer below this section. 

Just stop and think and ask the Lord to reveal if any of these to you, like -- any opened the door like prior occult activity, or angry at anyone. Do you fear anyone when they are near you-like walking of eggshells around them? Is there any shame, guilt or unforgiveness not dealt with yet?

These sorts of things cause wounds in our hearts in life that opens the door to the devil to use, so he has something in common with you to attack you – we get wounds when people sin against us. Wounded by our own secret sins. Or by any kind of Trauma that wounds us. These allow open the doors. Also, Generational sins from ancestors.  

While pondering these things - Do you feel like somethings wants to get you back into a box so to speak so that – unforgiveness – bitterness at the mention of someone rises up one gets bitter about the person. 

Any impure thoughts, or sorcery, strife, disputes, anger, strife, envy, addictions, abuse…cause deep wounds that need to shut down so that any chattering thoughts in your mind to self-inflict yourself with … feel there is no use to continue..,, no hope what’s the use. it works for them not me always let down – and any other thigs maybe revealed to you just wait and ask to the Lord to search it out and reveal to you the wound that opened the door – it needs shut by applying the blood of Jesus and Resurrection power - Let's continue...

Heavenly Father, by faith, I ask that the blood of Jesus, shed upon the cross, that disarmed all the rulers and authorities of darkness, that made a public display of them, that triumphed over them all, to cleanse me and forgive me, and release me from all things I have in common with all spirits attacking my soul. 

Forgive all my sin, break all generational curses, hexes, vexes, sins by the blood of Jesus. Cleanse me and make me whole, forgive me…(list any you think of that here)

Lord God Almighty, I have need to be forgiven by the blood of Jesus shed upon the cross to be cleansed and released from tolerating all Jezebel and legion spirits and all generational spirits and entraining them in my thought life, in my fears, by my loss of backbone, by my loss of having any moral compass and courage that I feel but rarely say to anyone 

I ask, Heavenly Father, that you decree with your own words to restrain all the Jezebel spirits, Legion spirits, and storm spirits, generational spirits from afflicting me, as it is written, we are to be your light and salt on this earth. I was created to be your helper - how can I help when I am so afflicted and wounded?

If they extinguish this, then your will, my sanctification, cannot be carried out and I cannot become your effective helper either here where I live. These are preventing your kingdom from coming and shining thru me on earth as it does in heaven and all distracting me and stopping me.

So, I ask that you Heavenly Father, decree to the Jezebel, legion, generational, and Storm influences and attacks be stopped in my life and reveal to me the deep things of your council beyond my scrutiny that I cannot see causing me to agree with what the enemy is saying – doing and afflicting me and illness. 

Teach me how to fully stop them always attacking me in my life and resist them. I repent of these and show me how to turn away from entraining them with my thought life too. I need your moral power and courage to rise up me in to teach me to resist, everyday by digging into you word the bible – and praying honestly and open for I know you will not cast me away - in Jesus name.

Heavenly Father I ask that you decree to all head leading spirits that are attacking me to stop and be restrained - so your will and call be fulfilled in my life – sanctification, being made whole, sound, again. To become your light to the darkness around me so others can see and come to you. 

Only you can do this.

Thank you, Lord God Almighty for granting me, as your child purchased by the blood of Jesus to speak to these head spirits - like Michael the archangel did when contending the devil over Moses body – because by the blood of Jesus has cleansed me and I and released and forgiven and I have nothing in common with any of them now so…

The Lord Jesus rebukes (restrains) you … The Father Rebukes (restrains) you… 
 Holy Spirit rebukes (restrains) you… God Almighty Rebukes (restrains) you....

Thank you Lord God Almighty for restraining these head spirits and stopping their influence in my life because by the blood of Jesus I am forgiven and have nothing in common with them any-more. In Jesus name.

So Now, I ask by the same Holy Spirit power, your power, that raised Jesus from the dead that dwells in me to also rise up within me and raise me up to heal my soul and heart from all wounds inflicted that shattered my heart that opened doors, windows, of my soul to all demonic influences to be healed and closed – NOW!!! NOW!!! NOW!!!

I ask that you Resurrection Power – the mighty Dunamis power of God that is all-ready in me by being your Born Again child - rise up and heal my heart and soul of all wounds and afflictions and sicknesses afflicting me freeing me from all demonic legion and enemy assignments in Jesus name

 – Legion leave me now in Jesus name (say several times and get loud) – 
Lord Jesus, fill me with your moral power-courage so I can carry out thy will on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus name… and stand up to these spirits as they have been defeated by the power of the cross – everyone and thing attacking me - leave Now – now, now in Jesus name. 

Lord Jesus by your resurrection miraculous healing power make my heart and soul Excellent, whole sound, sober minded – no more chatter – no more sickness – all go…in Jesus name…keep me far from the evil one and stop all being lead into temptations to entrain the enemy – now – in Jesus Name 

For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the Glory – forever - Amen