Something Starnge Happening Here : After Hours Ministries Apologetics
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Something Starnge Happening Here

by Bryan W Melvin on 10/31/18

Something Strange Happening Here?

By Bryan W. Melvin



Lucid Dreaming: Therapeutic Model, started out boring, that is, until near the end of semester when class was required to practice the skills taught. Lucid dream therapy consists of interpreting dreams with the client playing every part of a dream to reach an epiphany. Other therapies also involved various Hindu breathing techniques and use of Hindu Nadi lines for client and group therapy.


Basically, according to class, Nadi lines were associated with three parallel lines of the body that follow the lower spine to the top of the head. One of the exercises involved a modified technique of a Nadia lines for use in group therapy settings.


The purpose of exercise was to teach group therapeutic skills by creating client disassociation to turn away from bad thinking, behaviors, developing a new sense of healthy self-esteem.


As in any upper level college class, you are taught a therapeutic exercise’s history, its purpose, what it was based on, and how to use it in class by experimenting on classmates. Being a Christian in modern Social Work college class was difficult. I never used any of this in the field of criminal justice that I graduated for and later worked in for years.


Let me describe what this technique looked like, its purpose, and what happened:

First – we formed three lines of students consisting of a right (Pingala) and left (Nida) line along with a third (Spine) line. Each line was based on Hindu Nadi lines with supposedly the religious aspect taken out of it. The right and left lines first began as stationary, while the middle line moved toward seven ‘awakening’ focal points called Charka Vortices (Vortexes).


To activate these energy vortexes the folks on the outside lines would call forth positive thoughts and blessings – nothing negative was allowed. As the middle line ascended toward the top of head, the students on the outside lines would touch those who passed by on their shoulders or backs and say nice things to each person as each passed seven vortices points along the spine line.

This was described to us at the time as a birthing process which started from the bottom up to help people ascend to reach the enlighten 7th charka vortex as one exits. This process was repeated over and over again with the exiting line taking over positions on both outside lines. These folks would then work their way back down to rejoin the middle line again and again.


The therapeutic goal was to create a sense of harmony, calmness, and develop sense of belonging where ‘we are together, let’s change the world – shed our issues and be happy.’ Like club initiation of sorts to feel part of group, community, family as a team building technique for a therapy group to open up and bond with each other.


I was uncomfortable with this and was allowed to stop and observe the goings on. I noticed after a few rounds of this how those exiting become progressively more-giddy and talkative. After it ended, those who completed the exercise were euphoric and sold out to implement this new technique.


This is how it worked


The seven vortexes were focal points use to harvested energy created by the vocalizations coming from the right and left lines. This was done to impart into a person a new conscience to be ‘free’ and ‘one with all’ – ‘no restraints of religion, society, family, the world, or the flesh can hurt you – Born free - weeeee!!!’


This was done to awaken-positive change in a person’s life by developing in them a paradigm shift in thought to birth a new enlighten sense of altruistic self. During the exercise soft music played in the background. The right and left Nadi line groups spoke toward one of the seven Chaka points positive mantras, affirmations, and blessings, and even singing if one wanted too. This was done to create each of the seven chakra vortex energy points.


Here is a brief description what they are, what they represent, and do:


**One- 1st chak-ra, is mul-ad-hara, it is connected with mortal existence one’s personal identity. It is the entry point of lower spine. The Right and Left line forms and begins speaking forth positive chants. The purpose of this is to awaken “pranic energy” which according to this Hindu ritual is dormant and is in need of being jolted awake by winding its way upward to enter the 7th chakra stage. (Loosen you up baby!)


Prana/ic energy or Ki - comes from the sun – it is vital life energy of all things from stones to all living matter – the star war force for your understanding. (Aside note: One of the Pillars in Masonry is the Sun/Mercy Pillar and the Next is the Moon-Severity pillar where one travels between reach the enlightened wisdom pillar).


**The second chakra, swad-hist-hana, is related to the sexual organs -- the desire for pleasure. The seat of all desires, and the storehouse of bad unconscious vibes that needs to be cleaned out and combined with calmness and fearlessness dedication to go into deeper spiritual states to change their prana or ki (I can’t help but think of En-Ki the Goat demon with his two serpents on a pole symbol as fitting the prana and nadia lines)


**The 3rd chakra, Manipura, represents the power center concerned with maintaining one’s survival and accumulation of things that needs shedding. Weird manifestation begins in this part of the line…


The idea here, is to become wholly devoted to this form of Hindu faith in order to receive some sort anointing of psychic abilities so one can imagine new possibilities for their lives. The goal here was to justify the rejection of truthful commonsense discernment as being outdated, biased, and founded on prejudices, so one can come into alignment with a new frame of mind which born within these 7 chakra points or awakenings. In class, the religion element was supposed taken out of it but  in word only.


**The 4th chakra, Ana-hata, is called the heart chakra that opens one to channel creativity, love of life, appreciation of nature and to help people to develop compassion and empathy. It opens one up to their need to develop a committed bond to a guru or leadership elite to guide you into greater and greater levels of spirituality. In this case, to bond with group and you the therapy leader.


Here psychic manifestation such as visions or hearing buzzing, humming sounds or even hearing the music of a flute or harp maybe heard. I discovered later this was meant to give an initiate temporary prophetic or healing abilities involving some sort of shedding their old problematic issues. Which requires one to rely on the group or a guru to maintain this shedding. Also, the meaning of love was switched into a New Age definition of Love of oneness, tolerance, etc to counter anyone who opposes this as an unloving religionist, a legalist, and unenlightened.


**The 5th chakra, Vis-h-udd-hi, vortex represents throat, ears and hearing to filter out what is negative to transforms one by mixing light and darkness so that one’s mind comes into harmony with inner force of peace, compassion and a rely on wise perspectives taught by teachers/gurus – or spirit guides – to gain new insights and greater heights.


**6th stage AJNA stage is called the 3rd Eye stage. Ajna means to know how to follow one’s inner command ‘third eye’ center to purify the mind to prepare one to awaken their entire prana energy system into some sort of big oneness. This was done to remove the last hindrances so one can receive greater visions of bliss or gain some sort of psychic revelations to feel merged with the universe, or one with a group of people. The group, the team mindset kicks in consisting in, “we are the best – one with each other - go team go, mindset.”


**7th stage - As a person goes through the 7th stage vortex which is called A THOUSAND PETALS IN SAH-ASR-ARA or the thousand-petal lotus, (Liken to the black sun symbol) at the top of and above the head. Here, the middle spine line exits and is open, as I found out later, to a Kundalini awaking - the serpent awaking – to guide your thoughts anointed to imagine unlimited possibilities and the full realization of truth that conveys you are the greatest thing to walk the earth ‘cause it is all groovy love baby.’


Here, a participant is conditioned to accept channeling with some sort of spiritual energy, or beings, to receive new knowledge to become one with universe, or be one’s own god, or in the secular setting in college – to connect with others and the universe. Everybody go Ummmm…


The whole process I observed was one designed to impart a worldview that anything that is not like this is mundane, outdated, and the cause of all social ills. This was done to camouflage a new self-inflated-pseudo-humbly-proud-ego birthed into those who were awakened after exiting this line and developed a need to be continually seeking more such encounters to earn a crown to be able to impart this euphoria with its greater dimensional experiences to others.

After the center spine line exits, one takes his or her place in either the Left or Right line and slowly moves back down to the center line– again and again till all are happy.

The Cycle

As the participants repeated this montage over and over again, a subdued chaotic scene was developing. Folks were become more and more giddy like a person does after a few shots of hard liquor. Some folks were beginning to develop as deep belly laugh while others developed jerking reflexes.


At this point, the exercise stopped, and the Professors and TA’s asked the partakers to describe what they felt. Some reported feeling like were hot while others said they felt like their bodies were vibrating. A few said they heard internal music like a flute or harp as they traversed the line.


What struck me was how the atmosphere of the room changed and the class opened intimately up to each other. They all said they felt really good – a euphoric state. After which the professor mentioned something about how to use this to loosen up a therapy group to bond together. It was as though my classmates ‘got hooked’ on this feeling of euphoria of the here and now to impart this far and wide.


Here were a bunch of indifferent students who suddenly became awakened to a doctrine whose whole emphasis was of – FREEDOM !! Freedom from all restraints!! Do as thou wilt! Say we can’t do this - well that is not loving because love - itself and would never stop this great goodness!! This Fun!!


The justification of this form of therapy was to break down one’s resistance to the old outdated, unfun, unjust and or traumatic behaviors to accept this new euphoric mentally to reach a better utopia.


Years later, I see a rise of eastern thought and practices gaining ground in elementary schools, work places, media, etc through Yoga and even this blessing line model. This ‘is’ by design. Most of my former classmates are supervisors now in various levels of education and social science fields. Yoga is big business in the USA and gaining worldwide recognition.


What surprised me all the years later is seeing it in action in all places, churches


I was invited to a new upcoming local church of around 400 people. I was stunned. They were doing the same Hindu tunnel exercise.  The effects were however more intense than were seen in the class but contain all the same elements. For example, there was a heightened degree of utter chaotic euphoria, along with people violently shaking, while others were abnormally laughing.


Some people were smoking what appeared to be an imagery joint called toking on Jesus. Others made animal noises and became so “slap happy stupid” that any visitor would run to the hills and want nothing to do with Jesus if this really ‘is’ Christianity. I refused to participate and repented of being near this, knowing where it came from, its history, and use.


Sometimes, I must deal with demonized people who show the same behaviors when challenged to leave, as a distraction, they manifest in similar fashion to cause you to give up setting the oppressed free.


Why would people legitimize such demonic manifestation as blessing as approved by God?


They of course cite Acts 2:15 however this event describes people who were hearing babbling but hearing in their own mother language. The result was that many were saved, not chased out the of church. They were not practicing fire or blessing tunnels in the early church.


The ‘fire’ or ‘blessing’ tunnel has been legitimized in some segments of the modern church -- all prettied up as acceptable despite absolutely no evidence in the bible where God approves this practice. The only place where the bible gives hints of a fire tunnel is when the children of Israel joined in with the pagan practice of passing their children through the fire to Moloch.


The online Jewish online encyclopedia mentions this: [Quote] “As to the rites which the worshipers of Molech performed, it has sometimes been inferred, from the phrase "pass through the fire to Molech," that children were made to pass between two lines of fire as a kind of februation ritual first…”[end quote] Note: Februation (plural febru-ations) purification, rejuvenation, renewal, ritual…numbs the senses


In this ritual, people passed between two lines of fire (or people bearing fire) to offer their children to the fire. Supposedly, the spirits doped the child up to be all happy and to gin up the participants into a euphoric chaotic state to kill their young. Why, in exchange for power, attaining of wealth, control, and deeper channeling revelations from the gods to maintain this new-found power.


God hates such practices


In fact, God in strongest terms condemns the passing children through fire to Moloch. Yet, in some churches this is symbolically enacted and actually producing an awakening of the serpent power coiled within the spine to spring forth to become your guide in life as an angel of light.


The same blind acceptance of this practice I saw in a classroom room exercise, was, here before me in this church and within few others I have come across since. These tunnels are used to impart gifts and new anointings, they very same way the Hindu Nadi and Charka’s mentioned earlier do.


“The people are happy, it was fun and silly. People opened up to each other – what is wrong with that – so it must be of God.” is what I have been told. I hear from some, “Fire tunnels are great! It can’t be wrong because it helps one enter into deeper spiritual level and contact your personal angel to be your guide into the deeper things of God to have a better life”


Now, I do know angels are used by God, but does not the bible tell us the Holy Spirit is the one who teaches Christians all things we need to know and confirmed by the bible and to test all things?


Along with this, I have been personally told that any rebuke of this sort of thing is old fashioned, of the old school because GOD is doing a new thing a new way on earth. The old ways are mean spirited, but God’s ways are all about love and acceptance. Even love is redefined.


Wow, I heard students in my old social work class use the same line of reasoning after walking through the fire. Holy, Great shades of spiritual addiction, Batman!


I have seen such churches that practice this slowly disregard the bible in exchange for deeper revelations not even mentioned in the bible, and in some cases, openly occultic in nature. Others read into bible verses what is not there. The sermons are all, “Me, all about Me, you can be just like Me – all is well and blue sky” messages. God warns against this sort of thing.


One sure sign of the apostasy is the practice and blending of paganism into the church


I find it difficult to speak with adherents of this, no matter how loving and non-threatening and tactful I can be. They remind me of my Professors, TA’s, and many former classmates in college who took up a mantra to, “Bring down the system, to rebuild into the new, shape it according what is best to appear altruistic!”  My how this same mindset is slowly infecting the modern church world.


Have you seen it? Ever been a part of such a fire tunnel? Afterward did you feel felt depressed, and miserable? Did you find yourself being controlled by the gurus or the elites of this movement for newer and higher revelations? Felt addicted to seeking newer and greater meetings?


I will say for certain that what I saw in my old upper division Social Work class is now what is seen in some churches called “fire tunnels.” The mode of thinking that it produces is eerily similar to that social work class exercise to be just mere �����coincidental’.


The Euphoria is real. It is the spirit of Kundalini that flows through such tunnels. Kundalini also known as En-Ki, along with his helper. They all use the very same symbol of two snakes entwined around one pole. In the Hindu version, the Nadi lines represent the central pole along with its two snakes entwined around it to awaken – impart - the serpent power (Nadi lines) to guide one. This awakening – IS NOT OF GOD!

As Joshua said – Choose this day whom you will serve!


Bible warns that is the last days, people will give heed to seducing spirits.


Wake up Pergamum and Thyatira!

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