Why should we care? : After Hours Ministries Apologetics
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Why should we care?

by Bryan W Melvin on 11/02/18

Why should we care?

Some may ask why in the world am I so concerned about the New Age and the occult in the church. Who are you Mister, to tell anyone they are off base in the church?

First off, the bible warns us that in the last days that doctrines of demons will proliferate within the established Churches. Revelation chapter 2 addresses this to Pergamum. Those that choose not to repent, Jesus will fight against them with the sword of his mouth mentioned in Revelation 19:15. I think that is serious, don’t you?

Since there are doctrines of demons, then where are? It appears that the criteria for judging if spiritual experiences are from God is based solely on any type of phenomena that produces results. Where is the Holy Spirit gift of discernment? Where is the teaching on testing all things? Just because something gets results does not mean it is of God! 


I understand how leaders of current movements within the church have an utter monopoly voice in the house of God. That must mean then that I must be considered dung compared to them. But what if some of these elites are being misled to invite new age doctrines of demons and Kundalini into the churches? Doctrine of demons do that.

You know, God raises up folks amongst people who are straying in order to give a polite and loving warning, so folks can assess what they teach, and do, is right by promoting to them privet self-correction by God’s grace.  But again, who am I to dare and by what right can I call out error? 

What right do I have to judge?

Folks, I actually died, and seen hell. In that experience has made me intense. I cannot help it. I understand how the demonic works, deceives, their game plans – that as Dereck Gilbert on Sky Watch TV often says – “these want to kill you, meaning take as many people into the lake of Fire as possible – the second death.”

That is absolutely true. Jesus warns of is of this. By God’s grace alone, allowed me to come back from the dead after seeing hell. I understand that is debatable to some. Yet, is not Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? 

He raised people from the dead yesterday. He does so today according to his will and purposes, not ours, and will do so again in the future resurrection of the dead. He changes not. It is true, after one dies comes judgment. I can testify to that fact as absolutely true.

I am intense because I seen and know from my own personal experiences how gullible we human beings are and how easy it is to be deceived within the church. My after-death encounter opened my eyes to this. In my book in the chapter entitled ‘Poles’ I mentioned seeing Principalities in the heavenlies sitting on what looked like to me, poles, over the earth.

From that, I am big on spiritual warfare. I spent years practicing this from day one. I have learned a lot, made mistakes, repented, and move on to keep following Jesus in a state of humility. I wish to share what I learned along the way, so you can fight better avoiding the snares and traps and schemes and tactics of the evil one and overcome these.

Unlike many ministers, I am not stuck on myself. With that, when I see certain segments of the body of Christ on earth (the Church) running headlong into the doctrines of demons being deceived thinking these are from God, it hurts me with great compassion as it does to Jesus himself see folks deceived and doing things that will cause hurt later on. 

When I see someone in leadership call out warning about someone who fell away and infiltrated a church movement, willingly to bringing in New Age doctrines disguised as Christian and then not address what was brought in – well makes me weep when they continue those same practices.

With that, that is why I wrote about the new age movement within the church. It is spreading like wildfire. People are being set up in a manner that God will be forced to reject them. The Bible is clear, when you see the righteous running into sin and not warn them, then God will hold the one who does not warn, guilty as well. In this, I have warned. The rest is up to you. 

The Lord Gives

The Lord is good. He is full of mercy and grace and patient. He understands. He still gives his gifts to his people. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today. God still gives dreams, visions, guides, instructs, speaks in many different ways – these have not ceased. 

The devil does indeed send counterfeits, but a counterfeit is still not real. These do not always mimic the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they instead mock them, and cause people to use them in a mocking way. Examining counterfeits to prove ‘the real’ is not wise. In fact, it is stupid.

The devil and his minions are fallen angels and spirits of the Nephilim. They indeed have the tongues of angels and so speak. Therefore, they do not counterfeit the gift of tongues as they are angels who have fallen thus have their own tongues of angels. It is a devilish speech. Once heard, you know it. 

In no way does this force us to stop us from speaking in unknown tongues as the bible amply teaches. Don’t be afraid of it. Ask for that gift and see if God so grants it to you. Do not force this gift on others. Do not abuse it. Its purpose is to build you up closer to God and help pray correctly in intercession, not to divide the church.

God still is on Throne

God gives gifts to human beings. He has grace to teach you how not to use these as play things and for market selling one’s personal self-glorification as a big shot in the body of Christ. You will crash if you do. For your own good. The greatest revelation to deflate a proud ego is to realize that God does need you. When one realizes that as truth, then God can rebuild and use you.

With this, God indeed still gives visions and encounters with angels as well as how to test to see if these are from him or not. He gave us the Holy Spirit. People do have vision of heaven, if God so allows, but we are called to test such things, nevertheless.

People, who I know personally who have ‘actually’ seen heaven come back with a profound respect for God. They will never treat such experience tritely with flippancy. We know, first hand that most of heaven experience is very personal. 

We understand that most of it is not lawful to utter because it involves a revelation of God’s character that if any human words try to express would cause people to violate Exodus 20:4-8 by making an image of God in one’s mind to exploit wrongly.

That why I get upset at the over-abundance of so-called trips to heaven by people who show no respect for God. Most of these trips, come by New Age Lucid Dreaming exercises where one is introduced to spirit guides of some sort. Again, that is I why I wrote on this topic - to test these things!

Let me help you

God calls a person into such an experience, not you. The Lord invites you. You don’t just waltz on in whenever you want too. Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zachariah, the Apostle John and Paul were invited into heaven. God changes not. These men of God who wrote the part of the bible did not come back and market how you can do so because they are God’s favorite big shots. Think about it…

I know folks who have seen heaven. They will tell you the same thing. By invite in various ways. They treat such experience with utter respect. We who have all report being undone by the experience that is most personal and changed by it.

We who have do not boast about it either. It is holy. Others, I am not so sure about as they show no respect for the holy ways of God and do not test the experience or what they encounter while others do. 

May you be granted discernment

One last thing on the over-abundance of heaven trips – these often ‘can’ lead to creating envy within the church (note this - God hates envy). People who have seen heaven, only share so much, only, as permitted by God. We do not want to create envy or elitism within the church. 

Others, well, they are a dime a dozen. They make themselves uber specimens of being God’s favorites and elites. It is all about them and less and less about God. All the focus is on them, their latest revelation from heaven, which often justifies contradicting the bible. Decide for yourself.

An after-death experience changes you

You do not view the world as others. You become intense. Some call you arrogant when you are not.  Often your mind is so into the things of Lord Jesus, that other things are viewed as have a temporary place in life. You are held to a stricter judgement. The spiritual enemy attacks you. Others in the church world ignore you and overlook you and some attack you. You are humble as those that know you, witness this.

You are not high on yourself nor desire to be the next great big shot in the church. Your concern is others and not yourself. You simply just press on going to the places God assigns you to influence those around you. Howsoever he wills.

During this mortal life, you find that some folks are very willing to change and be healed. Others are not ready, and still others who do not want to give up their life wounds because these are the means by which they get attention and find purpose for their lives. The latter you sadly leave behind like Jesus did toward the rich young ruler.

Why do I say all this?

Simple – my desire is not to brow beat people but rather expose them to truth so that one can check themselves on what ‘is being’ taught them if these be from God or not. To Self-correct on their own in privet and turn away from the devil’s deceptions as the Lord leads them too. I want to see as many in heaven as possible That is why I warn and instruct on this subject.


God Bless you all!!!



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